What is your consignment policy?
Click here to get the details on our consignment policy.
We buy classic style handbags and accessories from Chanel, Hermes, and Louis Vuitton.
We look for top designer items in pristine condition. We specialize in handbags and accessories and do not accept pants, pantsuits, or jeans. For a full breakdown of what we’re looking for click here.
Once we receive an item, we require 1-2 business days to authenticate and appraise it. We will make you an offer and will mail the check as soon as we receive written confirmation.
What items do you buy outright?
We buy classic style handbags and accessories from Chanel, Hermes, and Louis Vuitton.
What items do you take on consignment?
We look for top designer items in pristine condition. We specialize in handbags and accessories and do not accept pants, pantsuits, or jeans. For a full breakdown of what we’re looking for click here.
When do I get paid for items I sell to you?
Once we receive an item, we require 1-2 business days to authenticate and appraise it. We will make you an offer and will mail the check as soon as we receive written confirmation.